Natya Chetana:A Cultural Action Organization and Resource Center For Mass Awareness
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Our Activities
  • CYCO Theatre (Carrying Short plays, performance in day and evening,  bicycle expedition to villages crossing hundreds of kilometers )

  • INTIMATE Theatre (Theatre for urban areas, long plays, only evening performances without depending on an auditorium following Indian theatre style)

  • PUPPET THEATRE (Puppet making, acting, play writing, production and performance, Reviving Traditional puppet style of Orissa etc.)

  • THEATRE WORKSHOP (Short courses on theatre making, acting, play writing, production management etc.)

  • RURAL CULTURAL COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT TRAINING (For  communication teams short courses on managing cultural media)

  • PEOPLE’S THEATRE FESTIVAL (Once a year to get representation of serious theatre practices meant for the common mass)

  • SEMINARS, CONFERENCES AND GET TOGETHER (on theatre or cultural action among academicians and practitioners)

  • DEVELOPING BOOK, AUDIO, VIDEO AND PHOTO LIBRARY (on theatre and related subjects)

  • DEVELOPING A PUBLICATION HOUSE (printing posters, leaflets etc. through a screen printing unit, now publishing the only quarterly theatre journal in Oriya language,  theatre related references and drama created by Natya Chetana).

  • SPECIAL ACTIVITIES FOR WOMEN (to get women’s leadership in the field of theatre  conducted women’s  training,  theatre about women and  by women)

  • SPECIAL ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN ( Interpret  theatre  as a medium of social education and confidence building – theatre experiments with children, inviting child-artists in Natya Chetana theatre)

  •  PARTICIPATE IN THEATRE AND SOCIAL ACTION NETWORKS (become member of networks, help and facilitate events and meetings, participate in action for solidarity)

  • DEVELOPING A THEATRE VILLAGE ( to demonstrate alternative cultural life and stay together for theatre education, research, documentation and practice for application