Natya Chetana:A Cultural Action Organization and Resource Center For Mass Awareness
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Philosophy & Practice :

Our Life is to demonstrate better ways of life and Leave foot steps for future generation.

Natya Chetana is known for its community living. The artists give voluntary time and energy by staying, eating, planning and working TOGETHER. The space the volunteers use for their work is free from - TEA , TOBACCO and ALCOHOL.

The life inside Natya Chetana is like an Indian Family.

They believe in some values to fulfill the mission, such as :

  • Group Life, being united, giving space to express feelings
  • Simple living to avoid any luxurious demands
  • Hard Labour demonstrating own conviction towards the Mission
  • Social commitment, analyzing own life has to be dedicated for the society as the life depends on it to grow.
  • Collective growth, to avoid self building, selfishness being among others
  • Respect to Indigenous culture & knowledge, to learn from the elders and root based villagers
  • Be a lifetime learner, to feel like students of a community life and carry an aim to grow with knowledge and skill
  • First perform the “responsibility”, then search for the ‘rights’
  • Approach life with innovations and creativity adopting own and available resources